Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Finally here! We arrived safe and sound about 6:17 pm on Wednesday April 28. A HUGE thank you to Jim and Ferno Tweeto for arranging our flight from Shaktoolik to Anchorage. We had plenty of time to get through security (Lynda forgot she had a coke in her back pack and it was taken by the TSA agent). We even had a nice lunch at McDonald's in the Anchorage airport. Yum! 

It was nice that the plane to Honolulu was not very full. We could all change seats during the flight. We kept busy watching movies on the DigEPlayers and playing games. If Lynda had a dollar every time someone ask "How much longer" she could retire now. When we finally came out of the clouds and saw the ocean it was hard to believe we were really landing in Hawaii. Donald said "Man, I've been dreaming about Hawaii for two weeks, now my dreams have come true!" 

Tymmie Keala Ah-Chong (Lynda's friend) and her family met us at the airport with the traditional Hawaiian greeting - Fresh flower leis for all! It was so exciting. As we came in to Honolulu the plane resounded with hundreds of "Holy Cow! look at that!" We could see Pearl Harbor and the Arizona Memorial from the air. Since we had to read about Pearl Harbor before we came, it was easy to recognize from the air. Everyone was sooo excited. Then we walked out of the terminal and the heat hit us in the face. WOW! is it HOT here! It was about 81 degrees when we landed. 

We then went to Walmart and bought our board shorts, tank tops, flip flops and other things we needed. That was fun! Then on to the King Kamehameha Campus and the beautiful house we were to stay at for five days. 

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